HI, friend. 

Let's jump in. I believe that you are brave enough to see the beauty and hilarity and excitement in your ordinary days. I know without a doubt that your “routine life” is actually anything-but-routine, because it's yours. And you've been hoping for someone to get it, for someone to SEE that and show you... but maybe you didn't know I was out here. 

I'm a mom too. This morning, as I tried to reheat my coffee for the umpteenth time and decide whether I should put on real clothes - my kid fell down and howled as if he had been mortally wounded. Needless to say, I drank my coffee cold today. 

We joke about "This is why we can't have nice things", because these kids. Spilled coffee, wrecked carpet, sticky floors, and gray hairs. 

But also? Heart-squeezing moments of tenderness as those arms wrap around for a hug. Overwhelming moments of joy-turned-vulnerability as I watch our big kid help and comfort his younger brother. The brilliant points of light in our normal, regular lives. 

Lightning round of alex facts

  • I can hold entire conversations in quotes from Schitt’s Creek & The Office (tell me your fave quotes and let’s be best friends).

  • And actually - I often spout quotes from all sorts of stuff, all the time. Be warned.

  • Dad-jokes and puns make me giggle - every time. Can’t help it/stop it.

  • Let’s get real: I’d love to dive deep real quick in conversation. That’s where the good stuff is.

  • It's been confirmed - I can't resist a high five.

  • Apparently I'm a millennial... but mostly I feel old and like that has to be a mistake.

  • I have a weird love for chores that show visual progress. Think: vacuuming, squeegeeing, power washing... it's weird, but I'm going with it.

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So that's me. A hopefully-getting-better hot mess as my oldest works through fifth grade (how did this happen??) and the youngest is rocking second grade (bring on your book recommendations!).

Let me show you why your normal is so freaking awesome.